We are happy to announce a major update in how we recruit and appointment members to the committees which benefit our region. Our updated process will allow for new ideas and innovations by openly encouraging members to apply to serve our region.

1. We will develop a R1 Nominations & Appointments Committee.
This group, appointed by the R1 Member Network Representative, will be charged with reviewing applications for and appointing members to our standing R1 committees.
2. We will utilize an application process for service on R1 committees and work teams.
This process will allow for new ideas and innovations by openly encouraging members to apply to serve our region. Additionally, we have standardized timelines of service. This will provide members the opportunity to serve on various committees throughout their careers.
3. We will identify, recruit, foster, and encourage, our talented members to engage in professional development opportunities and impact their profession.
The R1 Nominations & Appointments Committee will work with their counterparts who represent R1 on the National Nominations & Appointments Committee to identify dedicated professionals and encourage them apply for positions such as the Member Network Representatives and Board of Directors.

Click here to learn more about and apply for committees in the upcoming year.
Deadline to apply is March 30th