The Knowing NIRSA Series – Volunteerism

We are continuing our “Knowing NIRSA” series with a popular topic: Volunteerism! Learn about what volunteering within NIRSA looks like and how you can become involved at the regional and national level!

This is a FREE online event, all are welcome to attend! This will take place Friday, May 3, at 1:30pm EST.

Join us on […]

2024-04-26T07:56:39-07:00April 26, 2024|Categories: career development, leadership, networking, Region I Exclusive|

Final Podcast Pat Show – With Outgoing Regional Rep

In this final podcast session, Pat Shank, Outgoing Region 1 Student Leader, talks to Earl Cabellon, Outgoing Region 1 Regional Representative about his reflections over his past two years on the Member Network.

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2017-04-21T17:34:10-07:00April 21, 2017|Categories: Feature, leadership, member feature, Region I Exclusive|

State Director Applications – Due January 13, 2017

Region 1 is electing new state directors for 2017-2019. If you are interested please fill out the application below with the state you currently belong.  The deadline to submit applications will be January 13th.  For a copy of the State Director job description, visit the NIRSA website.

If you have any questions you can […]

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